Springbrook Rescue
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Partners in the Springbrook Rescue Project
Queensland Parks and Wildlife ServiceDepartment of Environment & Science
CorporateGriffith UniOrganisations

Community of Christ

The Community of Christ have been involved in the Springbrook Rescue project since 2007, when the Queensland Government bought their accommodation centre, “Koonjewarre”, as a vital part of restoring ecological integrity in the high altitude catchments of Springbrook. ARCS purchased the accommodation business as a means of raising the necessary funding to support the Springbrook Rescue project. Peter Lawson, Queensland manager of the Community of Christ at the time, and his wife Joy, provided invaluable guidance and assistance in the early days of running the business. Our history with Peter goes back a long way. Peter, in his former life worked for the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and was project manager when ARCS was commissioned to write the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage nomination in 1992 (then called CERRA for Central Eastern Rainforests Reserves of Australia) for the Australian, New South Wales and Queensland governments. Because of this history, Peter has been a vital supporter of our efforts to protect and restore these World Heritage rainforests. Together, the Community of Christ members have tackled a wide range of restoration activities, such as chain sawing down large exotic trees, mulching these down with a chipper, brushcutting, and hand pulling a wide range of weeds including Aristea ecklonii. The size of their team relates to the task in focus — chainsawing exotic trees, chipping of chain-sawed debris, lopping, brushcutting, raking, culling flower or seed heads of Aristea, or digging out Aristea plants.

We always enjoy working with the Community of Christ. They work with such good humor and camaraderie. Listening to their tales of travels to exotic locations around the world, particularly in South America and South Africa is always interesting. They love to sing, one breaking suddenly into song, others joining in in perfect harmony, changing seamlessly in a medley of popular songs.

Community of Christ involvement in eradicating Aristea from Warblers started on cell A858

Peter Lawson, the group leader, checking that all rhizomes of each plant are removed

The three key leader’s of the Community of Christ team
(starting third from left) are Peter Lawson, Jim Ireland and
Harry Fielding. Ceris Ash (standing), a Springbrook
resident, always provides welcome relief and
hospitality with her wonderful cakes or biscuits.
Photo: Aila Keto

The day’s haul of 90 kg of Aristea seed heads.
IKEA bags are perfect for the job.

Chain sawing down exotic maples

Breaking down into smaller chunks

Checking a problem with the chipper

A full team working on Warblers

Removing exotics from the garden area

(From left to right) Bob, Harry, Garry, and Jim armed with
brushcutters, chainsaws, loppers and the chipper on the Springers property. Photo: Aila Keto

Just one of many trailer loads of removals from a memorable,
soggy weekend of hard work and pouring rain on Springers.

At the end of a very productive day.

Another productive day.

Down comes the rain but still trying to work.

Work abandoned until the following day.

Reconvening to finish what the rains interrupted.

A wonderful effort — another two cells cleared of Aristea.